by Dr. Dave Welch | Apr 20, 2022 | Blog, Lifestyle Changes, Paragon's Chiropractic, Philosophy
Hello! Again, I would like to thank you for taking the time to follow along with these blogs. With these blogs, I am not trying to preach or teach, or convince you that my opinions are correct or so important that you must believe them, or else! It is my intention to... by Dr. Dave Welch | Nov 24, 2021 | Blog, Paragon's Chiropractic
Well, I hope you have been enjoying these blogs! I try to write them so you can recall your own personal recollections and/or add your own thoughts. It’s better if you can make these blogs your own. Recently we have had a number of interesting cases at Paragon... by Dr. Dave Welch | Apr 18, 2021 | Blog, Communication-Our Magic, Paragon's Chiropractic
The Importance of Communicating With Your Doctor Hello! Well, I hope the last series of blogs have been helpful. Before I roll out the next series, I thought I would have an actual living, breathing patient talk about his success utilizing Paragon Chiropractic for his...