by Web-Admin | Apr 6, 2020 | Beyond Chiropractic- Our Therapy Machines, Blog, Healing Phases and Tissues, Paragon's Chiropractic
The Regenerative Phase of The Healing Process Alright, and welcome back to another edition of … The Blog! So, initially, we have the Acute, Inflammatory Phase. Textbooks say this lasts about 3 days/ 72 hours, but I ‘m not so sure about this... by Web-Admin | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, Healing Phases and Tissues, Inflammation and Immune System, Paragon's Chiropractic
The Inflammatory Phase of Healing This is the fourth in a series of maybe 5 or 6 blogs discussing the various types of tissues and healing. If you’ve been following along the whole series I am either a very interesting writer, who is discussing a very... by Web-Admin | Mar 30, 2020 | Beyond Chiropractic- Our Therapy Machines, Blog, Inflammation and Immune System, Paragon's Chiropractic
How To Best Heal Your Injuries In a continuation from the first blog in this series, The Inflammatory Phase Ice and continue motion if you can. Heat and stretching would be contra-indicated at this point, and for the reasons noted above. Please keep in mind I... by Web-Admin | Mar 26, 2020 | Beyond Chiropractic- Our Therapy Machines, Blog, Healing Phases and Tissues, Inflammation and Immune System, Paragon's Chiropractic
Healing Soft Tissue Injuries Again, if you are unsure… ice, don’t stretch and take short walks- stay moving as you can. As I said earlier, we at Paragon Chiropractic deal mostly with ligament type injuries. There are three (3)... by Web-Admin | Mar 23, 2020 | Blog, Healing Phases and Tissues, Inflammation and Immune System, Paragon's Chiropractic
Ligament and Cartilage Injuries As I said in the previous blog, most of the injuries we see are to the ligaments and cartilage. Even a vertebra that is “out” has a ligament and cartilage injury component that must be addressed, including the...