by Web-Admin | Aug 4, 2019 | Blog, Lifestyle Changes, Paragon's Chiropractic, Philosophy
You Are Your Own Healthcare Provider I thought I would wrap up this Nocebo Effect stuff. The term is not that important, but the whole idea of how you look at things, and one’s attitude makes a huge difference in whether or not that person ever recovers.... by Dr. Dave Welch | Jul 29, 2019 | Blog, Lifestyle Changes, Philosophy
The Nocebo Effect Concept I know, it doesn’t sound very fun or exciting, but it is still very important because of the number of patients I see who have unwittingly become the victims of the Nocebo Effect. First of all, what is the Nocebo Effect? ...
by Web-Admin | Jul 18, 2019 | Blog, Lifestyle Changes
Becoming Your Own Healthcare Provider If you didn’t read our previous blog, Paragon Chiropractic is trying to support individuals in becoming their own healthcare provider. This is where Paragon Chiropractic can be its biggest help. We never wanted...