The Importance of Communicating With Your Doctor


Well, I hope the last series of blogs have been helpful.

Before I roll out the next series, I thought I would have an actual living, breathing patient talk about his success utilizing Paragon Chiropractic for his health and wellness team, and learning how to be his own health care provider.

Fortunately and unfortunately it is actually pretty easy to be healthy as that is the design of the body- to pursue health and wellness. All of those aches and pains, and poor sleep and bowel function, depression, fatigue, dysfunctions… are all ways your body is trying to tell you that you are heading in the wrong direction.

This is fortunate in that all you have to do is listen and start discovering those things that make you happy and well, and then do them!

Unfortunately in that I make it sound way toooooo easy and for some, if it’s not a back-breaking drudgery that eventually fails them, I must be pulling their leg… self-care, huh!

Well, here’s Ken our patient, social media dude, and friend to tell you his story!

By the way, if you would like to share your success, just let me know. We can do another video, or if you would rather write one up we can put it in the next blogs!

See you next week with another series of blogs!

Take Care,

Dr. Dave

Take Action Listen To The Success Story

To listen to our video which we really think you should CLICK HERE! Please note, this content was shared on behalf of our patient. He was the one that suggested offering up his success story after reading the blogs. Over the past year between diet and adjustments, his overall health has improved substantially and he hopes his story helps others and causes them to take action. If you should have any questions, please contact us today or comment below.