
Well, in the previous blogs I have been hinting at a health concept that I’ve been meaning to talk about, but it’s kind of out there (a little bit!)

The concept pertains to flows and processes.

Life is a series of flows- blood circulates, one breathes in and out, the seasons change, one inflows the world around him through observation, and hopefully outflows a better one through his actions.

All of life, including health and wellness, is a series of processes that are coordinated to promote health, well-being, and livingness.

One must allow life to flow and run through its processes.

One must allow others to grow and experience, run through their processes, even if we don’t agree with them. Good luck trying to force someone to be as smart as you! It doesn’t work.

We all flow through life’s processes- some faster, some slower at times, but we all have to run the bases and touch each one.

For this one must be willing to grant beingness to those around him, allow people to be who they are, and allow them the time to live. They’ll get there. We all do.

There were definitely times in all of our lives where, thank heavens for the tolerance and patience of others, otherwise we wouldn’t have made it.

And through these processes we grow, we get too big for the little pond that was once so important to us. It’s time to move. The question is will you, or can you even still? Move that is. Are you physically, mentally and/or spiritually fixed in one spot, unable to move even if you wanted to? It’s a good thing to look at.

One of my first jobs was a paperboy. I made $9 a month!

But from there I moved onto lawn cutting and snow shoveling jobs, and cleaning boats at a boat shop, steel mills, other part-time jobs right up to the point where I am now a chiropractor, with my own office and making about $8 a month!

But look at the process. There was college and marriage and families, and….

This is movement. It’s motion. It is life and living.

Movement and Movement Medicine is so much more than just being able to lift your arm or raise your leg to walk. It’s about those movements that are life and livingness, and so much bigger than just going to the gym. It’s about physical, mental, and spiritual movement and motion in all that you do and all that you think, and each time you are out there doin’ it to it!

Now there really isn’t any right or wrong way to get moving, but I am, and this will sound heavy, I am trying to persuade each of us to grow up and allow others the opportunity to grow up. To experience their own processes and discover and create their own prosperity, because I guarantee you, someone granted you the beingness and space you needed to blossom.

Things really are not simply black or white. I am not right because I make you wrong.   Nor are you right because you make me wrong.

Something to think about while you are letting life flow and run through its processes!

Take Care,

Dr. Dave