
I hope everyone is doing well and winning!

Sometimes I like to look at quotes from people whose thoughts and opinions I respect and admire.

Here’s an interesting one from Mark Twain,

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born,

and the day you find out why.”

It makes me kind of sad to think many might go their whole life and not only never discover why they were born, but never even wonder.

There can be many reasons for this if this in fact is the case- some are just too busy trying to survive, and others too dull-witted to wonder why.

And one cannot ignore those who do make the greatest discovery of a lifetime. How amazing would it be to come to that understanding?

In terms of health and well-being, knowing why you were born, so to speak, would put one on purpose with his life and livingness.

A patient the other day told me that he had read an article that stated the three most productive periods in a person’s life are as follows in this order:

  1. Between the ages of 60 and 70,
  2. Between the ages of 70 and 80,
  3. And finally, between the ages of 50 and 60.

Having not read the article, I am not certain how they defined “productive” but it was suggested that at these ages one was no longer distracted with so many unimportant things. Perhaps at these stages of life, it is more about wisdom than anything- wisdom to simply know and to be at peace with those things that were always most important and disregard those things that never really were.

Recall when you were in your 20’s or 30’s- sooooo many things, sooooo many possibilities, but as one age many of the noisier, less possible doors tend to close and the ones that have greater potential open wider… provided a person is still physically, mentally and spiritually capable to play this game called life! Perhaps that’s what we should be doing in our 20’s, 30’s and possibly 40’s-  preparing for, hopefully discovering, or even better… creating why we were born!

Just an interesting thought, and hopefully words to encourage a person to start thinking about the future, and the possibility that one’s actions today, create the tomorrow he will find himself in, well… tomorrow!

Should you want to talk about this more, please comment below, drop me a line, or better yet come on in to Paragon Chiropractic… I’ll be the old guy warming up for my most productive days!

Take Care,

Dr. Dave