Hello Again!
You know the previous two blogs really asked some deep questions,
“Where are you going to live?” And, “Why were you born?”
To complete the trilogy here is the third question,
“Is this what you had in mind?”
I think it is important that one inspect his life from time to time and ask himself,
“Is this what I had in mind?”
I think it was Socrates who said,
“An uninspected life is not worth living.”
One can easily lament that he or she is too busy making a living to take the time to see if they are actually living!
Isn’t this what all the modern conveniences are for… to save a person time? And yet we spend so much time trying to make the time-saving stuff work that it would have been easier to just do it the “old-fashioned way!”
Voltaire once said,
“We never live, we are always in the expectation of living.”
An interesting thought if I say so myself!
As one goes through the pace of their life, one must take a look and ask themselves if this is what they had in mind? Is this what you thought life would look like at that particular moment in time?
Well… maybe someday, right?
I was going to get into a long-winded description of those types of people who upset me the most, but it was the great Dr. Seuss who once said,
“Those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind, don’t matter!”
So, let’s just leave it at that.
But when it comes to one’s health, well-being, and the world they live in, is this what they had in mind? One must be able to confront and look, and I mean really confront what is, and see what actually is… is this it?
If so, welcome home!
If not, I would really like to listen to your ideas. Maybe we can help each other… wouldn’t that be something, two or more people sitting down, talking and bringing to life those ideas that we consider most important to the future of our species and the planet we find ourselves on at this time.
Interestingly enough it is only from such discourse- communication, fellowship, and understanding that we have any chance of surviving, and isn’t that what health and wellness are all about?
Please let me know if you would like to e-mail, or meet sometime to simply share ideas or your thoughts.
You know, in the beginning, we were simply a thought that through some effort and time manifested into what we consider ourselves today- a thought that came to life in a universe we all had a hand in creating!
Take Care,
Dr. Dave
If you really knew what I know and to a great deal you already do ,I believe you would be doing what I am doing. You truly become more and more the God of your own universe and a more knowing co-creator of the agreed upon one too.
The dc rally recording on highwire. Del bigtree web site is wonderful. If you have time
Hi Roslyn,
Thanks for letting me know.
Dr. Dave
Thanks Dr. Dave, That is a good story and thank you for taking the time to communicate. Cheers, Jim Bennett
Hey Jim,
Thank you! I hope all is well with you.
Take Care,
Dr. Dave