

Hello and Welcome Back! Would you prefer to listen along with Dr. Dave and Dr. Abby… If so, CLICK HERE!

I really hope you have been enjoying these blogs/vlogs, and that they have been making you think a little bit.

If you have any questions, we would love to sit and think with you!

There is a concept that you might want to know about and that is that a person usually gets what they put their attention on.

If you are worried that something bad will happen, it is your attention that might make it so.

If you are excited that something good will happen, again, it is your attention that might make it so.

All the world is jockeying for your attention.

At some level, so am I, but not because I want your attention, but rather because I would like to help you focus your attention outside of you and on the world around you.

Many years ago in Chiropractic College, we dissected cadavers. Do you know, I never found a single answer to any of life’s mysteries in a human body, dead or otherwise?

Many of those who claim to have your best interests at heart, are working as hard as they can to turn your attention inward on yourself and leave you with the eternal struggle of trying to figure out what’s wrong with you.

While you are contemplating your navel, they are piling on solution after solution for the endless lists of all you find wrong with yourself…, and now, they got you!

You are now one of Dracula’s many brides!

Here’s a test, and be honest with yourself:

Has anything ever really gotten better after you’ve spent endless hours trying to figure out what’s wrong with you?

Did you know that the secret to the universe, and most likely you as well, is that there is no secret? Stop searching and just know!

“What’s wrong?!?”

I don’t know, and most likely you don’t either…, go live your life and stop worrying about it!

This is another one of the cool things about Paragon Chiropractic- unlike many healthcare facilities and health gurus, we work to get you and your attention out of your head, and into the world around you.

We aren’t trying to figure out what’s wrong with you and then weld your attention to all of the bad things that can happen; no, we find and encourage you to do more of what is working correctly. To do otherwise would make you little more than a slave to your own body, and the world around you!

The life one hopes to enjoy through health and wellness is out there in the world, it is not in your head, or your mind, or wherever else we’ve been told it exists. It is out there, and it is created and exists because we created it and say that it exists.

The “cool” kids are outside…, won’t you join us?

Take Care,

Dr. Dave

Please note, that Phoenix Chiropractor Dr. Dave does receive all your comments however he must approve them first.

Please give him at least a day to respond and check back on this blog post to see his response. If you want to schedule an appointment, please contact us today!