Hello and Welcome Back!
So what do you think?
Time to do something about that blood sugar?
Let me answer that for you…, YES IT IS!!!!!
I know, it’s kind of weird for a back cracker to be talking about all this real doctor stuff, but regardless of how amazing our adjustments are, if you and your blood sugar are trying to race the Grim Reaper through Hell, you are going to lose, and I would really hate to watch this happen when it is so easy to avoid all of the nonsense.
This is the impetus of these many blogs and videos.
Why would a person seek any type of healthcare in the first place?
I might be going out here on a limb, but most would do so because they want to continue to live as well as they can, right?
Do people really go see the doctor only to find out what’s wrong with them so they can spend the rest of their lives taking care of, and worrying about a body that is going to die on them one day anyway?
They want to get the most out of the time they have and enjoy being alive.
Ultimately, it is assumed that when a patient presents for care they are interested in recovering and regaining their health and wellness.
What if in looking at a person I can tell that they aren’t able to, or won’t heal and recover as they should?
Look at it this way, the human body is designed to heal and recover from injuries and illness, right?
If a person is standing in a doctor’s office, guess what?
They are not healing and recovering, otherwise they would have.
In most cases, it is simply that the patient is continuing to harm and injure themselves, and once they stop…, they heal and recover.
I can’t tell you how many people with chronic health issues turned the corner for the better simply by taking short walks, modifying their workstations, improving their diets, getting more sleep, and eating more protein.
These are also great ways to manage blood sugar!
But truly, and I ask you, what do I or any healthcare provider do to help someone get healthy and well when they are diminishing and through their livingness if it can be called such, they are becoming less and less?
Honestly, the only hope is to see if I can encourage them to be more, to do more, and to have more.
Look at it this way, what does the body use to repair damaged and injured tissues?
If a person is not eating enough protein each day, their bodies will cannibalize themselves and break down and consume muscle tissue to repair the injured and damaged tissues.
That’s right.
For starters, we instruct patients to eat about 100 grams of protein each day. This would mean about 5 meals each day of around 20 grams of protein each meal.
Some references say a person should eat 1 gram of protein for every pound of their ideal weight.
My ideal weight is 185, so I should eat about 185 grams of protein each day. That’s a lot of meals, as the body will only process about 16-22 grams at a time. Any excess is eliminated.
How can a person get healthy and well, even from amazing Paragon Chiropractic adjustments if their bodies are consuming their own muscle tissue to repair injured and damaged tissues?
Oftentimes people want exercises to help them recover.
Exercise is destructive. How can exercise build muscle tissue without protein?
I see people who are wasting, who want adjustments and exercises for pain and recovery.
They don’t heal, their bodies are consuming themselves.
Exercises break down and destroy tissue.
How is it supposed to repair itself without protein?
How about water?
A rule of thumb might be half your body weight in ounces, so a 200 lb person should drink about 100 ounces of water each day.
There are 128 ounces in a gallon.
However, water can help hydrate tissues and flush inflammatory sludge from the tissues of the body.
It is the inflammatory sludge that causes most of the aches and pain.
So I guess the big question here is how is a person supposed to heal and recover if they can’t heal and recover?
They can’t, and we see a number of these types of patients in our office who want help, but whose lifestyles are such that it is very difficult for them to be healthy again.
I would love to do blogs and videos on chiropractic and the importance of getting adjusted a few times each month, but a person would have to be in fairly decent shape to get the benefits from spinal manipulation.
When I went to chiropractic school we were taught that spinal manipulation was the missing factor, and the difference between a person getting healthy and well, or continuing to be ill.
I still believe that this is true, but I ask you…, What adjustment would help a 300 lb diabetic who can’t exercise, walk, or sleep and whose blood sugar is chronically in the mid-200s?
Nearly 70% of Americans are overweight or obese.
This would mean that nearly 70% of Americans are chronically inflamed, and are not managing their blood sugar levels.
They are NOT healthy.
See the problem?
An unhealthy person presents to my office with pain, sometimes severe pain.
What do you think the pain is due to?
That’s right, inflammation.
Where’s the inflammation coming from?
That’s right, from a lifestyle that does not manage blood sugar and promotes chronic inflammation which is highly destructive and creates chronic immune responses which destroy not only the damaged and injured tissues but the healthy ones as well.
What do I adjust?
I can always tell how inflamed a person is when they come to my office.
If they have pain, and the adjustment seems to have relieved or even remedied that pain, then they aren’t that inflamed.
But if the adjustment did not relieve the pain, and NSAIDs and steroids are no help…,
Man, that cat is highly inflamed!
Okay, so you get my point, and hopefully why so many of these blogs and videos are about chronic illness and things your medical doctor should be talking to you about.
I know, they don’t.
So let’s leave it at that for now, and we will talk more next week.
In the meantime, why don’t you give us a call or email, and let’s get you on the road to health and wellness, okay?
Take Care,
Dr. Dave
Please note, that Phoenix Chiropractor Dr. Dave does receive all your comments however he must approve them first.
Please give him at least a day to respond and check back on this blog post to see his response. If you want to schedule an appointment, please contact us today!