Alright, and Hello Again!
So, what do you think? Ready to start getting good sleep? Did you do any research on the subject?
Or maybe you came up with your own ideas and are now getting at least 7 hours of good sleep each night.
Again, sleeping is very important.
The other day, my son Austin and I went to the Mesa Center for the Arts to see a performance entitled,
An Evening with Bruce Dickinson
In case you don’t know, Bruce Dickinson is the lead singer of the heavy metal band, Iron Maiden.
What a great night and Bruce had many interesting things to say concerning his time here on Earth.
When the presentation was over, Bruce had a Question and Answer period at which time someone asked him how he had maintained the quality of his voice over the years.
In a word, SLEEP!!!! Oh, and he simply didn’t do stupid things with it to injure it unduly- liking screaming all the time!
He always made sure he got plenty of sleep.
Wow- sex, drugs, and rock and roll and he always made sure he slept.
Now, if Bruce Dickinson can get his sleep in, from a heavy metal band for over 40 years, travel the world, be England’s number 2 fencer, and serve as an airline pilot for over 30 years with British Airways…,
AND BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF GOOD SLEEP, I think there might be something to this stuff called sleep. It’s not a luxury, it really isn’t.
So, if you are not getting 7-9 hours of good quality sleep each night, please let us know. We can help you.
Okay, well there’s another reminder.
Please do your own research on this subject of sleep. It will amaze you how vital it is, and yuck… how bad it is if you don’t sleep!
I really don’t like all the, “how bad it is over there,” but without sleep, it really is very bad over there. Your research will demonstrate this to you, and Cherubs will descend from Heaven, an angelic choir will sing, and you will think,
“Oh, my gosh… I really need to get my sleep in!”
Take Care,
Dr. Dave
Please note, Dr. Dave does receive all your comments however he must approve them first.
Please give him at least a day to respond and check back on this blog post to see his response.